Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Vegan Mofo Day 5: the smoothie of my dreams

I love smoothies. I love them so hard. And I'm not a smoothie snob: I love them all. I love my spinach-and-kale-packed green smoothie that makes my roommates gag, and I love me a giant booster juice on a hot summer day. But the smoothie I had for breakfast this morning was something special.

Okay, it is not the most attractive smoothie in the world (khakhi is not a colour we associate with deliciousness). And it is not assisted by my drinking it out of a one litre Sleeman's beer stein. But forget about appearances! This was all about TASTE.

Pumpkin Pie Smoothie
serves 1-2 depending on COMMITMENT

1 frozen banana
1 scoop protein powder (I used 1/2 scoop plain and 1/2 scoop vanilla chai Vega Whole Food Health Optimizer, hence the greenish hue)
1 handful raw soaked almonds and 2 cups water, or 2 cups almond milk
1/2-1 cup roasted squash or sweet potato (you could use canned pumpkin here, but I'm certain part of what made it so delicious is the use of home-roasted organic sweet potato)
cinnamon, ginger, and nutmeg to taste

Blend the dickens out of it. Drink with great relish. Seriously, you should have seen me with my arm elbow-deep in this cup scraping out the last vestiges of smoothie. It was embarrassing.

1 comment:

  1. Extra deliciousness points for disgusting Vega colour. I loves me some browny-green.
