Thursday, October 6, 2011

Vegan Mofo Day 6: photo fail!

I'm having a really hard time getting into the habit of photographing the food I make. Case in point, tonight. I had two lovely ladies over for what we've been fondly calling "Trouble Table" dinners (that is, when we eat out we're always the "trouble table," harassing the staff with all our dietary restrictions: gluten free, vegan, soy free, legume free... Tonight we had a beautiful dinner of roasted acorn squash and eggplant, sauteed broccoli and bright red chard stems, roasted red, yellow, and green peppers, sprouted lentil and walnut balls, and raw fermented cashew cheese, followed by raw mini chocolate and lime cheesecakes (eaten with much oohing and aahing and mmming).

All the food was beautiful and simple and satisfying, shared with wonderful friends and a huge bottle of wine. But when I'm having lots of fun eating great food with my friends, taking photos is the last thing I think of doing.

Perhaps I was not meant to be a food blogger after all?

1 comment:

  1. Haha - I love the honesty! I have been doing a better job of remembering (and being the weird lady taking a million pictures of my food), but there are nights where good company trumps good photos. I'll make a mental picture of the yummy entree you described instead. :)
